How to remove common edges???
You can find the edges that your new face does not have in common with the faces on its sides. Have you got those 2 faces sorted somehow?
Also, since you must know those endpoints, you could then serach through the edges and find the 2 edges that have the correct endpoints and delete those edges.
Hi, If you open the Model Info statistics window when you draw, you will see that you have 14 edges and 3 faces. If you remove (select line by right mouse click, erase) the 2 edges indicated, you will have 12 edges and three faces. Is that what you wanted?
I think so, but this is the ruby forum, so I think he wanted a ruby solution
PS - you should get into Ruby Honolulu, I know your a programmer at heart
Oops, came here from "new posts". Got to read those subject titles better. I took a couple of swings at ruby, then put the bat back on the rack before my hands blistered