Asian-Inspired Stool
I drew this "Asian-Inspired Stool" after seeing the one that Alan Turner built and displayed in the Fine WoodWorking Web Site. You might say that I was "inspired" to try my hand at drawing it in SketchUp. The multiple angles on the legs gave me a few hours of challenge in order to get them right. The SketchUp model is uploaded into the 3D Warehouse in the collection named "Creekside Woodshop" as well as my web site "CreeksideWoodshop.Com" along with the renderings. Ron
Nice work. What did you use do render it?
It was rendered in Kerkythea. I'm not a master at rendering, but I know just enought to make my drawings look a little better than a SketchUp 2D Jpg. Ron
These are great models, I hope you don't mind but I have started to add your models to the "SketchUcation Woodworking" collection.
Thanks Hazza, I don't mind. I put them in the 3D warehouse to share.
@rfritz said:
as well as my web site "CreeksideWoodshop.Com" along with the renderings. Ron
I had a look at your web site, it says "Best viewed in IE". It is ONLY useable in IE, I use Firefox and the menu system on the right does not work.
More and more people are using Firefox, that means less and less people are using IE, that means you site is alienating more and more people.
I like that kind of design, I'd like to build a bench that style as I saw on FWW few months ago. Good work!
As for the website - true that it only works in IE. Note that if you build your websites in MS FrontPage (especially if you believe and use all those "bells and whistles" it offers), you will most likely end up with it **not**being web-standard (like this one).
FYI: there are more than twice as many members (on Windows) of this forum who use Firefox than IE (note that I have acces to the technical details and statistics, too
). Then there are many with Opera as well and we haven't even spoken about Mac users (roughly 20-25% here). So in this particular environment you are excluding about 2/3 of the visitors which is very serious luxury IMO.
The stool is very cool however.
Thanks for your comments. I've known for a short while now that my web site was not compatable with Firefox. I am in the process of re-writing the entire site now which should take me a while. Since spring is almost here and with it comes lawn and garden work and oh yes, I can't forget golf, it will take me several weeks to get the site back into compliance. Ron
When I am making a website, I generally check it in all major browsers - mostly IE, FF, Opera and lately Safari (for Windows), too. It's actually amazing how NON of them are really web standard compliant however the content should be as far as possible.
Good luck with the work (and with the lawn)
@gaieus said:
When I am making a website, I generally check it in all major browsers - mostly IE, FF, Opera and lately Safari (for Windows), too.
The best way to do that is use Firefox with the IETab plugin. You have the site open in two seperate tabs. Then just use the IETab switcher so that it uses the IE engine in one of the tabs.
Here's a quick update on the status of my web site, I have rewritten every page so that it conforms to standards and is now usable for web browsers other than MS-Explorer. Thanks for your comments and support.