First class
True fuzzy reflections!
Very nice Pete but I think you need to add a couple of drunks waiting for their flight
Great work.
Very good start solo... looks like youve been using vray for a while. My only critique is actually something you could work with in PS...the image just seems a little muted-maybe a little more saturation/contrast. But good work.
Love it Pete.
The background behind the glazing makes a real difference.
Excellent work. -
@unknownuser said:
...I am pleased with the results especially the speed.
How fast are we talking...
I'm a big Podium user and as you know it has some quirks, but it's speed seems to be unmatched.BTW those renders look fantastic.
Thanks guys.
Steelers, I must say that once you get a basic understanding using Vray it all falls into place, there is a lot to learn but that can be done on a need to need way once you have the basics.
There are some quirks that one needs to overcome like some glass materials that block sunlight, vismat selections without previews (only texture updates which can be a slow process when selecting textures) or ways to adjust textures as they do not represent themselves in the SU materials for edit.
The image does look muted on my laptop, but on my main modeling rig it looks pretty vivid, I may need to calibrate my monitors again.Dylan, yes once I changed my glass material to allow in the sun I was also able to export a .png with alpha support thus added the background which worked great.
Edmund, Podium is an awesome and fast tool, still one of my daily tools, and with TBD working on blurred reflections at moment I do not see why the above image will not be possible with Podium soon. As for the speed of the above, I rendered at 1900 x 900 using a modified render setting which on a quad took around 17 minutes, very good IMO.
that background totally sells it now
definitley what was missing.
Fantastic render...Marble Tiles on the floor + Marble Posts would have high class effect. I'd cut down the gloss/specularity on the posts a bit, med to high sheen.
Great work Pete. I agree the background makes this look great. Nice use of materials but the columns are lacking something.
Hi Solo,
It's always a pleasure to look at your renders. Airport background enlights the Hall. Looking at the third picture, I notice the big plant is not really mirrored on the tiles, we see the pot but not the plant's foot.
I hope it's may help.MALAISE