Most Valuable Rubys
I was just wondering out loud what Rubies would you pay for (besides Whaat's wonderful tools) if someone would develope them?
I think we could really give the script writers a push in the right direction and some motivation if we make a list of what would be the most valuable to us, the users.
so lets make a list, i'll start with:
i would pay $10 today for descent toolbar management. which would include flyout menu's and the ability to min/max the window like you can with the layers, material, component window.
please add to this list but, be serious about scripts that would really add to the SU experience, and stuff that we know is possible. please don't ask for fur or cloth.
Fully fledged visual parametrci interface like grasshopper for Rhino would be great! (too much to ask for I know)
Something like paraclouding would be cool as well!
explain paraclouding?
BTW, i bet a good loft along rails script would be valuable $$
Xrok1, are you so lazy to search or Google search's engine closed personally for you?
Chris is closer to product from paraclouding -
@ilay7k said:
Xrok1, are you so lazy to search or Google search's engine closed personally for you?
Chris is closer to product from paraclouding kma
@solo said:
Did a Google search and these are apparently the most valuable rubies.
He he he... every time I hear "Ruby masters" I imagine the Guardians of the Universe from the Green Lantern comic, sat in a circle...
BTW ,ilay7k google also has an english translator!
if someone would ruby a scene manager that combined all these elements, outliner, layers, styles....
i'd buy that!
@xrok1 said:
BTW ,ilay7k google also has an english translator!
Please, сontinue to explore Google services
and it will useful for you and others