Latest GLXP work...
Thought I'd share my latest piece produced for the Google Lunar Xprize - SU model, Max render, project time approx 2hrs. Fairly straightforward model - although the wheels nearly reduced me to tears...
Very nice.
Did you work only on the design or are you also going to work on the real robot that (maybe) will be sent to the moon ?
Looks cool, and Luis pretty much asked the question I wanted to ask.
Thanks Guys.
I can take no credit for the design I'm afraid. The way it works is that the competing teams or the GLXP organisers send me sketches, engineering drawings, or sometimes just written descriptions of the proposed designs, which I then interpret into something that is (hopefully) visually appealing. This usually means I have a little room for interpretation.In practice this means that often the models are fairly simple (see the clay render below, often built only to be viewed from one camera angle, and I can then fake quite a lot with some half-decent texturing and lighting!
The GLXP is still at quite an early stage, so most designs are still fairly conceptual - although I suspect a couple of teams are close to producing flight-ready hardware.