Freeware: Streetscape Pro, might interest urbanists
Google adsense isn't always bad, I saw this pop up yesterday and it turned out to be quite interesting.
Streetscape Pro is a street design tool that automates the drawing of street cross-sections and can perform simple shadow studies. It is only 2d but really quick. You can specify the heights of buildings adjacent to the street, automatically array parking spaces,, insert material costs, and apply some basic materials. Only downside is that there is no dxf or dwg export.
Streetscape Pro has a bigger 3d brother: CityCad, looks really good but weighs in at £3500. -
Streetscape Pro is quite useful, although a quick street cross section in Sketchup doesn't take long and there's far more control over visual output.
I've trialled CityCad and there's certainly potential. In theory it's parametric urban design for large scale masterplanning in the same way Revit, Archicad etc are for building design. I think it needs to evolve a bit more but it's certainly one to watch for the future. I've previously been in contact with the developers and they are very responsive and are flexible with regard to free trials.
I've also looked at another couple of products, City Engine and Cityscape, which are similar in many ways:
lol why'd you post this in the freeware section?
Eh? Streetscape Pro is free. Its not useless either, it doesn't do a vast array of things but what is does do, if you need it, is much faster than modelling.
I didn't say it was useless, but I'll be sure to check it out now that you say it is free!
Cool tool, thanks Jon.