JoinstSU tutorial ?
Hi MarcioAB
I'm playing with your JointSU plugin a little bit. Great work, it allows for instance, running copies.. ( of course displayed slower due to calculation..)
But I break my teeth making my owns models.I dismounted the bike.skp following the short explanations but I still stop when managing joints... Could you make a very simple model ( 2 boxes, 1 joint ) in order to really understand how the links are made or may be, have you an extend user manual ?Thanks a lot
Yes, sure ( as soon as finish to reinstall all stuff in the new upgraded computer - I blew up my Windows and all installations
during this upgrade).
In the mean time, the idea is the following:
Make sure you have the component called JointSU. You can use COMPONENTS panel (on SketchUP Windows menu) to double-check if JointSU is there. The plugin has a menu item to create it. It has a special shape to make easy to position it.
Make your first BOX1
Using the COMPONENT panel bring one JointSU into the view.
Using OUTLINE (on SketchUp Windows menu) make this JointSU component child of your BOX1.
Using the several plugin features position the JointSU exactly where you want a joint.
Repeat steps 2-5 for BOX2. (That means at the end you will have 2 BOX and 2 JointSU.)
Using OUTLINE make BOX2 as a child of BOX1. This is the biggest difference from the initial version of this plugin. We can discuss later why this was necessary.
Using the several plugin features, establish a joint/connection between these 2 JointSUs.
Using the other plugin features, control this joint (explode, animate, assemble, etc).
Give a try and post here what steps do I need to provide further explanations.
I need to finish the installation of this machine and them will create a YouTube video and manual with pictures.
Marcio -
Thanks you for this early help
muito obrigado
I made a test. The hardest step is how to establish the connection between parent-child. I use "set", then a ghost of the child is generate close to parent. I improve the positionning and axes but then clicking in outliner on child-Joint SU in order to set the rotation properties, it's answered : JointSU not connected (so no parms..) then I can't go forward...
( of course, I've done a lot of tests before posting)
I hope you encounter no problems during the installation of your new computer
first steps in JointSU
I got your file and I see you are working with GROUPs instead COMPONENTs.
Well, JointSU is not ready to GROUPs yet, (because they are very different types of objects from programming point of view).
By the way, I do not use Groups (yet) and I wonder where they are better than components ...So, I transformed you file from Groups to Components (follow the file)
JointSU premiers pas2.skp... and played a little around. Follow the YouTube movie (need improve resolution):
Obs: After established the joint (with Joint/Set) I just did not made any transformation (like flip, rotate or translate) on the joint and jumped directly to animate the joint. During animation I made the transformations: First flip (HOME key) to make both box front-front, then translations (ARROWS keys). To make large translations I used the "turbo" (SHIFT key). See on the bottom of the screen the values.
[flash=425,344:2z85ina3][/flash:2z85ina3]By the way, I found an error in the GUI plugin (in the animation part). Follow the new one.
Marcio -
Hi Marcio
First of all, very clear explanations and tutorial. :+1: :+1:
I dismounted the bike file to get a single component for a better understanding.
Clever, the component remark, but this time, I never reach the "set anim".
I've made a screen copy with ruby's window....
Ps: I made a try with both versions of JointSU_GUI.rb
Hum ... because the line numbers for JointSU.rb (this time the main classes file) in your side do not match with the ones I have here, maybe you have a previous version. This is part of what I call "software hell".
Just to remove this doubt, can you replace your JointSU.rb by this one:
Marcio -
Marcio ,Yeah ! You're a master
I'll post a file soon, thanks for this "on-line" help
Here is a first try, I really like the copy featureQuestion : how many Joint-children can be allocated to a parent?
the idea is to simulate a solar system using Sun as "parent" and for each planet a Joint child ( specific speed )Regards
Well, I found something strange in your model: The axis of the JointSU component was not in the center of the component. I do not think you can precisely control things with that, despite the result in your model was interesting. To propose a planet system model, I changed the axis of your jointSU back on center.
EDIT: The JointSU component in fact is just its axis (and the name). The geometry we create around this axis is just anything to make easy to position this axis in it's parent component. I just created new geometry around the axis of your JointSU and deleted the old one that was far away from the axis. See how your joints were working.
atom1.skpObs: I prefer to name joints with numbers instead letters. But its just preference.
Each Planet_System (child of Sun) will have one joint(1) to be aligned with the Sun joint(A).
This Planet_System joint(1) will control the rotation speed around the Sun (year rotation). So, you need to animate this Planet_System joint(1).Each Planet_Ball (child of Planet_System) will have one joint(1) to be aligned with the Planet_System joint(2).
This Planet_Ball joint(1) will control the rotation of the Planet arount it's axis (day rotation). So, you need to animate this Planet_Ball joint(1).And so on ...
I let the model very incomplete so you can have fun modeling the solar system, by the way an interesting training. You can also model the Moon around Earth, etc ... nice.
We can not animate the translation of the joint for now, but that is not difficult at this point. With that it's possible to establish a elliptical orbit instead a circular one ... as soon I find some more time.
I put some stuff on hide in order to make a nicer animation. Just start animation ...
Marciohow many Joint-children can be allocated to a parent?
No limitation, but there is no check for an hiper-static condition, for example:
Parent has joint(1) and joint(2).
Child has joint(1) and joint(2).
Establish joint connections (1)-(1) and (2)-(2). This is an hiper-static condition and I do not know what will happen if we ask (1)-(1) to rotate in one direction and (2)-(2) in another ... but the idea is not complicate too much. It's already enough complicated.PS: Found more errors on the code, so ... new update.
JointSU_GUI.rb -
Hi Marcio
What I've send, was a down and dirty test. I 'll study carefully your last advices.
I'll probably make some tut in french soon...Regards