Is anyone here using the 3G iPhone?
This is pure genius mike!
Can't wait to hear how you get on with the lens.
Will do Pav. What do you think of this little baby, the iPhone Pro!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] -
Another tool I like is
a taskmanagement. The release date for the desktop version is next week. ( But it is available as a release candidate now )
There's a desktop and IPhone version available which can be sync. Nice app and very easy to handle.Things
Things is the award-winning personal task manager that helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals.
Things (
One of the most annoying things on the iPhone has been no cut and paste. Well there is one now but it entails a download via Cydia and a Jailbroken iPhone. For minute by minute software updates and news on the Mac and iPhone keep an eye on
..... and I received the Macro Lens a few days ago. It works very well for those close-up shots. It entails sticking a small magnetic ring over the iPhone lens but do not see that as a big deal. The Len can be attached to ones keyring.
Thanks for the feedback mike, I think upon your recomendation I shall now man-up and purchse one.
Could you upload before and after shot? sorry to be a pain!Thank you
Ohhhh! You must be a doubting Thomas
I will do one this evening and post.
yes, yes i am!
thank you very much Mike.
just saw this app and thought all you iphone types might be interested:
Basically it takes 6 photos in quick succession and then merges them together to create a better image.
Pav, I have yet to do a proper test and show it here for you. Everytime I think about it its nightime and of course daytime pics would be best.
I've just noticed the attached pic on iClarified showing what the next generation iPhone could look like. The pic is poor quality but you should be able to make out what the possible goodies may be. Looks very cool indeed! Oh! and it could be out in July 09!
The only problem is that the iPhone is SO well made that its capable of lasting for far more than 12 months, not like many other mobile phones on the market but again I imagine there would be a good secondhand value for the current 3G when the new model comes out.
PS: BTW, the iPhone pic I showed a few posts back was a hoax. I can never see apple producing an iPhone with a keyboard
Sadly I'm not an iPhone user, I'm never really in one place long enough to take out a contract with a cellphone company. But still, I've got the iPod Touch.
Mike, I have to say, if that new design comes true, I'd manage to find a way to be the first in the queue. Actually, now that I think about it, I wonder if there's anywhere that sells used iPhone 3Gs?
Jacob, I imagine they can be found on eBay. If I come across any good deals I will let you know.
Casinos on lookout for iPhone card-counting app
Hi Opt II
A snip at $2,500,000
What a fugly piece of crap, you should get a discount if anything.
.... and I was going to send you one for Christmas