An Eclipse plug-in for SketchUp scripts
I'd like to create an Eclipse plug-in that bypasses the Ruby Console Window. That is, you edit the script in Eclipse and execute it in SketchUp with a button-click.
I can code the socket client, but I have no idea how to get SketchUp to work as a socket server that listens for and executes commands. I've read through the SKSocket threads here and on, but I need more help. If anyone has more tips or more example code, please let me know.
For those who haven't used it, Eclipse provides full-featured code editing, file management, and interaction with tools like CVS and Subversion. If I can get the plug-in to work, I promise to release it for free...
TBD's SketchUp Bridge is what you need. It works with any editor/ide that supports executing an external application.
Does that include Notepad++? I have been unsuccesful at getting it to work with notepad so far.
Here is a complete Eclipse prepared for Ruby
i believe, this is what you want!