[Heads Up] Publo Version 1.0
A free trial of Publo Version 1.0 is now available for download:
http://www.cadmango.com/publoSample output from the application can be viewed here:
http://www.cadmango.com/publo/galleries/g4The software automates the generation of downloadable PDF drawing sheets, ZIP files and user specified downloads complete with gallery interface from a selected folder of Sketchup or other images. PDFs can be created with user specified logos, info stamps and optional watermarks.
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I'm getting quite a few queries about zooming size of the gallery images.
Please note that there is a 'Full Screen' mode on the right click menu.
There is also a 'PRO' version of the tiltviewer gallery applet available that allows closer zooming (and other) options, which I will be bundling as an option soon. -
Looks very good...