My second rendering...
Hi Fymoro
You're learning very fast. I'm not really the right one to comment this impressive Vray picture.
May be you could improve the tiles positionning ( far left ).Friendly
MEN this is so nice. very good muy bueno felicidades!
the gold material really defined. -
I will make some changes.
The gold material is the "gold_shiny.vismat" in the Vray material editor.
I think that for make a nice picture the position and The field of the view of the camera is very important. I put at 50'.
I take my time, I follow tutorial and many discussion issue from this forum and It is very helpful...
Thanks for your comment.
I Think you have done a great job on this image, very realistic looking.
I do agree that the tile on the far side need to be aligned and after hearing that comment I noticed that the tile on the near side is (slightly) misaligned as well. I agree that changing the field of view is an important thing but in this image the first thing I noticed is that the field of view is off a bit. To me, it looks as if the columns are leaning outward. I usually use a setting of 35. One last comment is that the trumpet appears to be floating just a bit. I think it would actually rest on three points, (for lack of better terms since I know nothing about musical instraments) I think the mouth piece would rest on the ground as well.
Other then that, GREAT work!!