Help with Copy Along Path....
Hello gang,
I am trying to use the copy to path tool but as seen in the screen shot, it's not doing what I'd like. Any ideas peeps?Thanks,
Make sure your lines are welded together and try making a component instead of a group. This way you can set your gluing axis.
Ok...downloaded the weld ruby. Made a group and tried making component. Didn't work....I'm sad now. Any other ideas?
Jeff -
Been playing around and it seems to work on horizontal plane no prob....anyone else find this?
Thanks Solo,
Kinda got it but have a look. I changed axis on left on right and top is what i'd like. What do you think?
Ah! I see, um, I believe there is a plugin that can do it, but I have forgotten which one it is.
It seems to what i want as far as layout and spacing as long as it's on the horizontal plane. You do have to have the part 90 deg. turned to how you actually want it to copy tho. Weird!
Jeff -
well....I mean when you make the part a component, you have to make sure you pay attentionto the axis of the component.
I am trying to remember if indeed there is a ruby that copies perpendicular to the path.
Hi Jeff,
As I see you want the plugin not only to copy along the path but also to rotate it so that it is aligned (say) perpendicular to the path constantly.
If so, pathcopy is not the tool you need. There were some discussions about this a while ago and maybe there was some solution (modified or new script) but I cannot recall the result and cannot even find the topic now.
Well it seems to be fine if you do it along the horizontal plane. So....I guess it's a matter of making a multi-directional copy /follow by making all the pcs on the horizonal plane then pc them all together. Just not as hady. Oh well...thanks for your input guys.
Jeff -
Done in 4 pcs....