Walkable commercial center
just a concept guys.
I just thought of a different king of approach in commercial development.
I just thought also that its not a bad idea.
"diiferent kind of approach"
sorry guys...my bad...
"Bad", the pun?
Well the concept is not new, but ignored too often. This center would be near to homes and have a pedestrian connection to the community?
Great picture. Some detail (windows?) for the shops would be nice. I like the connection of the different spaces. We have an outdoor mall like this near us. It is too disconnected and is more of a bleak atmosphere of alleyways, especially on cold windy days.
Another walkable and very popular center is our downtown which is a traditional square with a large park in the center. It's nice to have the whole place connected visually and physically. Thanks for posting, look forward to more.
I know the concept is not new but not everyone appreciates how it flows almost endlessly.
I didnt got much time to have details because the owner would like to know how does it look from a far. This would cater much in a small and medium entre's and yes, its it near town homes.
Its practically a single part of a resort im doing.
Im glad you apprciate it.
I like the "feel" of this project. I do agree that it needs some more detail to really make it stand out. From the angle you shot the image from does not help the lack of detail either though. Maybe some images from ground level with some added detail would give more insight into the project.
Good work!