Face-specific Shadow Info
I'm trying to write a plugin, and part of the algorithm needs face-specific shadow information.
Even knowing which edges are shaded might do... (I need eventually to figure out which percent of the selected face is shaded.)
Alternatively, if I can programatically figure out which percent of the face is visible to the camera - that would also be good enough...
I was thinking about using rays but that seems to be rather inefficient and not so elegant, not to mention that I'm not sure that's even possible.So I was wondering if there's an elegant way to do that via the Ruby API, and if not - do you know if the SDK can help me there...
Thanks a lot!
TaliP.S. I'm really sorry if there's already an answer for this in the forum, I looked but I didn't find one...
I see a lot of you are looking, but no one is answering.
Can you please at least tell me if you think it can be done/seen examples/ something but don't know how or you simply don't think it's possible from within sketchup?Thanks,
- Tali