Silvershadows eye candy 2 : BLACK HAWK
Thats a realllly nice model youve got there!! hi 5
Scary and mad. Stunning work. Respect!
With all respect for other I think that You are number one!
I found this topic accidently, but it was worth way more to find it thatn what I was looking for in first place. Amazing model you done there Silver, very impressed. My T34 is pretty much basic model compared to your craft.
Again amazing stuff man, see you aroundMilosz
@bigstick said:
Quite extraordinary! Stunning work!
I have a suggestion for your next jaw-dropping model here:-
That's got my vote. You could start "small" with just the instruments at the collision point (see referenced picture) and then add the 17 mile loop with all the cooling and control, then lastly animate the counter-rotating beams of protons. Sigh...
nice job silvershadow! your model made the vray page opener!
Thanks for elucidating and posting the plug-ins Shadow.
Greg, PLEASE post some more work on a new thread. that's fascinating modeling.
nice i feel really honored
You crazy man...!
Beautiful... Can't even imagine that this is SU model...
Too good to be true...
Hi there - superb model Silver; one question - V-ray does not seem to like sitting with subdivide and smooth - how did you get around this bug?
Inspiring and simply fantastic.
OMG this is just...
Hi there, to be honest, im not too much of a subsmooth fan, so on this project i only used this once, and that is on this image below, the rest is just plain smoothing built into su
(i didnt even know vray had a bug on that)
Hello again....Can you list the ruby's that you have and where you got know...when you have time
Hes already listed them here:
Thanks Remus. Glad someone's paying attention. Guess I was a little distracted with the model and that's my story...
I wouldnt be surprised if you got a little distracted by the model, it is certainly a very attention grabbing piece of work.
He is certainly a very talented Sketcher, but it seems everyone on here is. I've learned so much since I joined this forum. It's great!!!
Awsome, great tut.
Really, Thanks for sharing drawing methods..
the details!!!!! the renderings!!!!oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is the war in iraq real????im getting doubts about it ...these renderings r off the m@@#$%^&&* HOOK!!!!HOOKS!!!! i like how u started all this master of the telecaster black hawk thing by collecting the 4 views then extruding it awesome but did u used only sketchup to do so???and the renderings too??? hey man i am planning to do some 3d human head ..i wonder how can i do it with the same tactics u used for your hawk like can i use the 4 views method?? i wonder how would i get the low view i have to cut his head first hihih
oh no i cant do that
ok hey just give me 3 or 4 words i will manage to put them together.thanks for this and everything!!!!!!!amazinnnnnnn 2008 best thing saw this year u made my day .VIVA SU!