House n Garden
Very nice Stu...vegetation it's simply amazing! Congratulations!
you been quiet Stu? Or have I missed something.....
Outstanding images. The grass in the second image looks artificial (to me), but the rest of it is very realistic.
Really nice Stu.
I love the look of the grass in the first image. Is this a grass texture you used in SU? -
Thanks Guys,
Andrew, yes, Ive been quiet -
Awesome Stu! I've always admired your work. You have a real sense of balance in your designs. The boxwoods add so much to the overall flow. Great job.
Thanks Adam,
I think your stuff is great too!
You must try Podium 1.6!...I'm guessing that you running at least dual core, so you should see a distinct rendering time difference and the PNG, Tiff import without clips should interest you as well.
Stu -
Thanks! I was just in the middle of downloading the beta. Can't wait to give it a go. I'm using a quad, so the multi thread should be a big improvement. The clipmap thing is a huge improvement too, IMO. I use a lot of imagecel stuff as well and trying to keep track of clipmaps is a pain. That's actually what I love most about Vue. It automatically clips out imported face me plants.
I wanted to ask you too, how do you make the boxwood hedgerows like that? Is it textured geometry? I'd love to see a SU output.
Cool Stu. And the water fountain? how did you do that?
Direct import from the warehouse
Adam, the Box Hedge is just smoothed, simple geometry with a small leafed texture which I bump fairly heavily in Podium.
And just a further note re. the Tiffs....the Podium guys are talking about PNGs only, but Im finding the Tiffs are working OK....remembering that each image can be 3-5Mb....the model of the first image rounded off at about 88Mb before it starting popping
, but I have had some bugsplats pretty early with other models.
Another backyard....2.5 minute render in Podium
cool stu... Maybe light up the patio a little though.....
Awesome Stu. Looks like a photo to me! The new Podium is amazingly fast!