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Moving a group of blocks
Hi. I had a question hopefully you could help me with. I have two programs one which makes the objects and another which calls on it. I want the program that calls on it to move the objects around. Here is the code I'm working on.
z = 0
while (z < zdd)
y = 0
while (y < ydd)
x = 0
while (x < xdd)
group2 = group.copy
group2.transformation = [x, y, z]
x = x + stepx
y = y + stepy
z = z + stepz
group.erase!I can move just one of the blocks but I want to move them all together. So in short I'm wondering how to make them all into the same group so I can pass it to the other program and move them around.
I answered this in the GSU Ruby forum.