Pushpull on Steroids
Have you heard of CoCreate? It might not be what you are looking for but it looks impressive, alledgedly easy to use and there is a free version.
I have tried Spaceclaim a couple of hours (some months ago)just to get an idea and the 'feel' of the software.
Their 'annual' license system scares me though.
I am much more in favour of a 1 time purchase to use the software for an unlimited time, perhaps paying an extra for a new release.Buying software by subscription is a 'faux pas' to me. Not done, at least in my case.
As I would use the software as a supplement to other apps (I am not a product designer), the costs are way too high.
I can understand that for other people it might be different... -
@unknownuser said:
Have you heard of CoCreate? It might not be what you are looking for but it looks impressive, alledgedly easy to use and there is a free version.
http://www.cocreate.com/products/pe2/ModelingPE2.aspxThe free PE version doesn't do sheet metal so it's no use to me.
@kwistenbiebel said:
I have tried Spaceclaim a couple of hours (some months ago)just to get an idea and the 'feel' of the software.
Their 'annual' license system scares me though.
I am much more in favour of a 1 time purchase to use the software for an unlimited time, perhaps paying an extra for a new release.
Buying software by subscription is a 'faux pas' to me. Not done, at least in my case.@unknownuser said:
The list price for perpetual licenses is
SpaceClaim Professional 2008 - £1,500.00
Support Services for SpaceClaim Professional 2008 - £500.00
3D Data Exchange - £300.00
Support Services for 3D Data Exchange - £100.00
Sheet Metal - £450.00
Support Services for Sheet Metal - £150.00
Total first year £3,000.00
Subsequent years £750.00That's buying isn't it?
Or is it the £750/year support that concerns you? -
@petercharles said:
Don't install a new version until the first service pack is out!
SP1 for Inventor R2009 is out!
I want to get some programmers together and start a new "evo/revolution" of a artist cad tool. If i start today I might just beat the final release time of SU7.
Well I guess Google could follow the example of Autocad by bowing to user pressure and releasing without adding any new features...
Maybe yes, but the way it is presented doesn't really feel like a 1 time purchase.
"costs for the first year, costs for subsequent years" etc....
Again, maybe if the software is to be used as the core modeler in your workflow, I would understand it better.
If the software is to be used complementary to other software,I just have the feeling it will be an expensive adventure.what if one decides to go for the 1 time purchase and don't subscribe to the annual 'support' service?
You don't get assistance when you have a problem?In most cases, when you do a 1 time purchase, you get the support as a bonus, until an official update arrives, which often is free as a service or to be purchased for a smaller price for existing customers.
That 'sounds' more fair, even though in some rare cases it might result in similar costs.Maybe it is just the way the costs are described that triggers my switch.
Too many people are scared away from Autodesk products because of the subscription based system.(you know, those minor updates wrapped up as full new annual releases to pay for.)
I think people appreciate a fixed cost over a less transparent annual service. -
Dear All,
I received the following from a SpaceClaim rep:
"We are looking at being able to import Sketchup models. We might be able to do it this year, but I am not yet in a position to commit that."
Now, that is interesting new.
Bob -
Moment of inspiration anyone MOI
MoI, 3D modeling for designers and artists
MoI is a new 3D Modeling/CAD application for designers and artists. Offering a blend of precision and freeform NURBS drawing tools, it sports a unique user interface that operates seamlessly with a pen tablet.
Moi export SKP file!
CoCreate is now Creo Element
free PLE Version illimited