Some possibility-questions on ruby and sketchup
Since they pointed me here in het newbie it goes
To get started i have some questions:
Is it possible to create scenes based upon external data?
I have a dbase with in it a list of names.
For each name i want to autmatically create a scene with that name.
Can this be done?
And in the same way: Is it possible to automatically create 1 page for each scene in Layout? -
Is it possible to display entity info in some sort of window while mousing over an object? Again this info is stored in a dbase. --> SOLVED, i think this can be done with webdialog.
Can colors of an object be different between scenes? Currently it's not in the list of the property-settings that are stored between scenes. --> I have seen that the position of objects can be stored between 2 scenes (proper animation script)
Is it possible to display text in the SU window that comes from out of SU? (eg. from a dbase or a txt file)
I hope these questions make sense and my english is understandable. I'm not looking for a complete script (but if it exsists, why not) but more guidelines on how to do the SU part. I think i already have the communication with the dbase working so now i just need some ruby advise on how to make it work in SU.
Thx in advance and kind regards,
Pout -
- Is it possible to create scenes based upon external data?
that depends on the external data format
it could create scenes automatically (pages.add) if there is code to read/parse the dbase
- Is it possible to display text in the SU window that comes from out of SU?
read from a txt file (IO.readlines) > generate display text (entities.add_text)
- Is it possible to create scenes based upon external data?
Great! Both do exactly what i need them to do.
Regarding the entities.add_text. I would like to place the text on the axis of an object.
I know how to specify the coordinates where the text must be placed, but i can't find how to get the axis of an Sketchup object, so i can use those coordinates.Also is it possible to do an action when the mouse is over an object? The entityObserver only seems to cover Erase and Change
Thx again
(any clue on the automatic generation of a page for each Scene en SU Layout?) -
can i get the center with point = ?