How can I create gears / cogs ?
Hi everybody !
Here's my question : is there a plugin to create gears / cogs ? (I would like to play with SketchyPhysics...)
(I'm french, so don't be too "english" !!!)
Thanks a lot !
The best way is to draw yourself the toothed-wheels you need.
Never forget that Sketchyphysic recognises only convex forms.
Try some existing model (SketchUp Warehouse ) ,dismount it for understanding
then you can copy groups and paste them in your own works.
I'm also interested
You'd rather post in Extension and Applications folder
MALAISE( from FRANCE, is it okay ?, I'm french too )
@cxx said:
Hi everybody !
Here's my question : is there a plugin to create gears / cogs ? (I would like to play with SketchyPhysics...)
(I'm french, so don't be too "english" !!!)
Thanks a lot !
There is one plugin that I know of, and it's here: