Residential: need vegitation advice
I'm working on a residential project. The client is looking for a full model of which one or two views will be used for merchandising. He's looking for a black and white image w/ a "tinge of color."
The main problem I've been having is trying to find some vegitation that looks right. I want to keep the look fairly abstract so real 2d images don't seem to work. It seems like maybe some good 3D shrubs and flowers would be good but I haven't found any that look right. Any thoughts?
Any other comments/critiques are welcome as well, although it's not quite finished yet.
Hey Brodie
I'd probably use cutouts or 3d plants with edges all hidden to suit the same way as you have added the peeps. For me I'd probably keep the car out though and use darker shadows and possibly use a slightly lighter line.
For this style I would probably suggest some basic cutouts from the Su
Component library Just to show some form and at the same time not to
take too much attention from the building.
You just have to adopt the transparency and colour to Your taste.
Maybe white or gray like the people as Richard said and play with the
slider and . Actually I think white transparent would be better. -
Thanks to both of you. I'll take another look at trying some transparent 2D vegies. What do you think about the ground? Leave it as is or try some sort of texture?
Richard - I think you're right about the car. It's always looked a bit funny to me as well. The darker shadows will help as well. Seeing it at a low resolution has actually helped a lot. Sometimes I like things a bit too subtle and then they aren't picked up in the final product.
Mateo - I prefer white people as well (hrm...that doesn't sound right
). Right now the image is so light though that they blend in too much. Maybe after I darken the shadows and play around a bit more I can get that to work though.
These 2D NPR trees might help you
You can edit them and take the trunks off and make them smaller for shrubs as well.