candle has been modelled using follow me tool. wick with pipe along path.
to smoothen i used 48faces instead of the default 24.
the light is a simple 2d texture with opacity map and emmisive layer using vray. candle texture is using refraction with .01 folg multiplier in vray too. -
Nice one nomer, and great to see you around again.
wow solo that was really on and off right.
Nice render, cheers for the explanation as well, ive been pondering how to do open flames for a while and your method seems to give pretty good results.
Thanks Nomer for both the nice image as the short (but really good) how-to explanation.
@kwistenbiebel said:
Thanks Nomer for both the nice image as the short (but really good) how-to explanation.
well im glad you understand clearly the explanation. its actually difficult to achieve the gradient in using 3d. for that light whilst i have used 2d image. the only problem of course when you change your viewing angle. unless you or our friend solo has another workaround.