Building of Frust
A building just right for Qatar or one of the other Persian Gulf Arab Emirates. My first architectural design using some of the new organic modeling plugins.
Is this for a client or for fun?
It is really nice Fred. You have done it again.
As boo said, another corker. Keep em coming fred
Dear Fred,
You might be interested in this site
Bob -
Thanks for the feedback guys!
Boo... a client, what's that? ... just done for "fun" or perhaps more accurately, out of a vague compulsion reinforced by SketchUp's highly addictive nature and the desire for some nice feedback on SCF
Bob... thanks for the link to oceand! As you correctly surmised, I really like their work. The underlying similarities between some of my work and their designs comes about, I believe, by a shared approach of letting the steadily developing capabilities of design software shape the creation of new architectural forms.
remus... your enthusiasm is a tonic... here is to more shared "corkers" from all of us!
The birds eye view image (first one) has me craving pancakes for some reason.
A detail of one of the "corners". Illustrates how "intersect with model" is your friend.
@solo said:
The birds eye view image (first one) has me craving pancakes for some reason.
Time for breakfast Pete. My wife made apple pancakes this morning. Delicious.