Igor's renderings
no remus, i have not been convinced of its brilliance yet. im simply waiting patiently for podium 2.0
this is simply my training for setting up scenes for light refaction and all that. -
Keep playing with it igor, oyu can get very good stuff with it
Indeed, those are rather weird, in a pleasing sor of way though
Is it just a ball on a mirror or is there some funny business going on?
yep remus, just a ball on a mirror. they reflect eachother inot infinity, but we only see part of it. really cool looking.
im going to try at making something in the Steampunk style. watch me fail. if you dont know what Steampunk is, search it on google images and wikipedia. its really insanely cool.
OOh, after searching google im officialy of the opinion that your model/render is going to be really cool, i look forward to it.
thenk you remus. steampunk stuff is EXTREMELY intricate, and my computer mightnot be able to handle the massive poly counts of gears and pipes ECT. whatever.
i would post another render, but my computer is taking forever to save and quit the rendering. like i said, my computer sucks. plus, the icing on the cake, it only has like 15% of its hard drive left! thats (not very) fast!
anyway, the render kind of reminds me of escher. be patient while my next-to-nothing computer closes indigo.
ok, sorry for double posting withing the same 5 minutes. but indigo just litteraly finished right when i posted the above post! here it is!
"glass" sphere on pegboard back ground, gives an escher esque effect.
here is another. very trippy effect
and another, sitll noisy, but cool looking
PS: sorrry if these renders are really big.
dielectric glass?
what glass? its just the glass texture. nothing special.
Some render engines have a special glass (dielectric glass), i cant remember why they need it though or what special effects it produces
Dielectric glass (as opposed to thin glass used for simple windows) refracts the light besides simple reflection (like the one above onรณbviously). Each transparent material has its IOR (index of refraction) thus they are different from each other.
Nice renders, Igor!
yea what he said
What did you render this with?
Ray, theres only one glass material in indigo, so i imagine that's it.
Oh well scince ive never used indigo i would have not known. I use Kerky for my rendrers
thread = jacked.
one alternative to glass, remus, is to use the "water" material.
and gaeius, do you mean that dielectric glass is quote-en-quote "solid" as oposed to being like sheets of glass? like if i made a sphere and made it with dielectric, it would act like a glass marble; and if i use just glass it looks like a glass christmas ornument. am i right? -
Yes, you are right (just look at your sphere above - it refracts like a solid glass sphere). That's why it's so important to give wall thickness to glass obleckts like glasses or bottles. I think the Thin glass shader in KT is just an exception (say it's a "cheat").
Normally a window glass material also has thickness but in architectural representations and renderings it's much irrelevant and using dielectric glass materials will make render time longer (the photons need to count refraction as well as bounces within the glass material).
wow, sorry i havnt posted in like 5 days. it frightens me how fast this thread sinks! ive been off the computer for a while, so nothings been rendered. new stuff soon! and thanks for all the kind words and help, everyone!
hey, sorry i havnt post anything in forever. my computer has been nearly filled up, so rendering anything takes forever. i will try my best on anyother computer i can, and if time permits i will do some stuff on my computer.
hey! guess who got a new computer?! i did!!!!! that means rendering can resume!!!
plus the new computer happens to be a dual core mac (i know i know, not the octuple core alienware monster i was hoping for).
new renderings are coming as soon as i get all settled into my new mac285