Rotate camera view by set degrees
I am wondering if there is a ruby (or could there be) that would keep the camera stationary in the x,y, and z but let you rotate the view by an input set of degrees. Maybe a dialog that a user could say 15 degrees counterclockwise. or even set the left and right arrow keys to default to 10 degree increments. I am looking for this to make images to use in a Pano style program.
Now that I am thinking about it, it would be nice to be able to move the camera by an input strictly in the x or y axis too. almost like moving the camera along a path using a distance input.
If I am overlooking something or missed a simpler way of doing this please excuse me. New baby and lack of sleep can make you forget the simplest things.
try cameratilt.rb
Glenn -
That kink is broken. if you have the script can someone please post it?
Thanks in advance,
Scott -
Scott, i think the wole site is down.
I've made a script called JS_CameraTool that can rotate the camera the way you want. It also can move the camera numericly. Its at my site:
Site is back up for the link I posted a few days ago.