Playing around with the SnapArt demo...
...thank you very much, Mike, for the heads up!
None of the full images are of any consequence yet, but I'm really happy! with the various surface textures so far: the upcoming business lull should be fun now. (These aren't one-shot-wonders...all mix layers using their filters with ones I already use.)
...last more:
Cool stuff Tom.
These look really good tom, very expressive
i tihnk i might have to try this sn
art thing
Thanks, Guys...more playing (stealing time from what must be done today :`( and getting better I think:
To be true to my comments in another thread: here's the straight SU export (sans edges, sorry, and the sky was added in PSP)
James, here's the link to Mike's thread (there is a "download" tab to most of their stuff):
The demo is a full feature 30-day (60 if you have two computers :`) though it will take me much longer than that to explore all the neat filters...but it already looks like I'll know enough to spend the $150 before then!