SU 29 model
Use Kerkythea, it is simple, free to use and it is my advice!
Cool looking plane there dolphus, rendering it would be great.
I would suggest Vue actually as it does clouds and environments excellently.
If you are willing to share it I would enjoy to render it when I get the time.
Solo i would be honered to have you render my model, i have just downloaded Kerkythea and some tuorials so i still have along way to go, just tell me how to get the model to you (as ypu can see i still have much to learn)
My first render using Kerkythea, a bit wobbly but promising
It looks good Dolphus. I really like the style and colour of the plane.
With a bit more Kerky practice and help from the KT guys, this will look fantastic I think. -
Thanx Dylan for the encouragement, learning is becomming a chore at my age!!!
Fantastic, i an actually lost for words, how did you do the propeller effect? you have given me a target to get to, thank you very much
Thanks, that effect is actually one I discovered on a model I once got from Form fonts. It was on a Helicopter if i can remember correctly and it looked so good, I added transparency to it and when rendered it gives a cool effect. I have since made a few variations of it for movement effects, I have a car I once used the same effect for illusion of wheels turning, if i can find it i will post it.
I believe you find them on this ones Solo
This render is fantastic!