#### FreezeTools : words/phrases for the Basic lang hash file ############################### "(FreezeTools): Adds some useful tools within SketchUp like hide/show entities and layers, freeze/unfreeze and show/unfreeze all." tools freeze freezing tools Toolbar title and menu text, will not be updated, until next Sketchup restart. freeze groups and components freeze Groups and Components hide the selected entities hide the selected layers isolate selected entities isolate selected layers show all entities show all layers show all layers and entities Selection, Component or Model thaw selection unfreeze current component unfreeze active component unfreeze everything unfreeze groups and components unfreeze selection # Toolbars and Menus # freeze components hide entities hide layers isolate entities isolate layers show all unfreeze all dig down nested objects verbosity output information to the console. Ruby Console toggle nested objects. double click sets limit. toggle nesting (limit=%s) toggle nesting (no limit) limit=%s no limit # SubMenu or Toolbar Name # freeze freeze tools freeze / isolate freeze / isolate tools show the tool palette show the toolbar divider on tool bar options... help... license... license for # Options dialog # options for freeze tools plugins edit (both) false true top menu debug mode language to use use language auto # Nesting Limit popup dialog # nil none levels (or nil) nesting limit (integer) #### FreezeTools : words/phrases for the Debug lang hash file ###################### freezing the selection... isolating isolating %s entities... isolating %s layers... making the layer '%s' hidden... making the layer '%s' visible... making '%s' entity hidden... making '%s' entity hidden and locked... hiding and locking the entity '%s'... making '%s' entity visible... making '%s' entity visible and unlocked... showing and unlocking the entity '%s'... nothing selected!!! showing all layers and entities... unfreezing everything... '%s' is hidden and locked, do not show it... active layer '%s' cannot be hidden! hiding %s entities entities changed to be visble: %s entities changed to be hidden: %s entities changed to be frozen: %s hiding %s layers layers changed to be shown: %s layers changed to be hidden: %s no layers were hidden. no layers were hidden in selection. no layers could be hidden from selection. no entities were hidden. no entities were hidden in selection. freezing %s entities no entities were frozen. no entities were frozen in selection. showing all layers... showing all entities... unfreezing selection... thawing selection... thaw thawing %s entities... entities changed to be thawed: %s no entities were thawed in selection. no entities were found to be thawed. unfreezing groups and components... thawing groups and components... unfreezing current component...