This is the draft list of protocols for exporting SKP data into CSV files, in a common format for parsing with Excel later. Each Row will represent an object [entity] Each column in each row will represent the same property for every object of that type. All units are in inches [SKP base units] unless stated otherwise. All entries are as 'strings' as is the nature of a CSV file This is a list of possible 'object' types [these are the first field of any Row]. Model Edge Face Arc Curve Group Definition [aka ComponentDefinition] Instance [aka Component] Image Material Texture Cline Cpoint Layer Text Vertex Other Drawingelements are either reported with others - e.g. Texture within Material, or are irreleant to data export - e.g. Style; and some types have little useful data e.g. SectionPlane. Example of an 'Edge' Row... 'Edge',Ref,Parent,Faces,StartPoint,Endpoint,UnitVector,Length,Material,Layer,Smooth,Soft,Hidden, The 'Parent' is Model/Group/Definition etc The 'Edges' will be an array of Face-Refs split by something other than a ',' e.g. a ';' A 'Face' Row... 'Face',Ref,Parent,PerimeterLength,Area,Edges,Vertices,FaceNormalVector,BoundsWidth,BoundsHeight,BoundsDepth,BoundsDiagonalLength,BoundsCenterPoint,Material,Layer,Hidden, The 'Edges' will be an array of Edge-Refs split by something other than a ',' e.g. a ';' The 'Vertices will be an array of OuterLoopVerticesPositions. A 'Group' Row... 'Group',Ref,Name,Description[tr','';'],Parent,Volume,TotalAreaOfFaces,InsertionPoint,RotationX,RotationY,RotationZ,ScaleX,ScaleY,ScaleZ,BoundsWidth,BoundsHeight,BoundsDepth,BoundsDiagonalLength,BoundsCenterPoint,Material,Layer,Hidden, The 'Volume' would be adjusted by any scaling that might have been applied to the group etc... A 'Material' Row... 'Material',Ref,Name,Description[tr','';'],Red,Green,Blue,Transparency[Alpha],TextureRef, etc full list TBC... 'Attributes' could also be exported as an array of 'library/key/value' with ';' separators ? Sometimes the Excel parser will need to find data from fields in other Rows - e.g. if you want info on a Material's Texture the Column entry TextureRef gives you a look-up for that Texture by Ref elsewhere in the file... TIG