#Instructions for Lnaguage Translation #For a given language say German, code DE, you just need to append to each array of string # a new string beginning by |DE| #I will reconcile later all language translations I receive in various language #------------------------------ #File BZ__BSplineU.rb #------------------------------ #Module BZ__BSplineU - Local constants for language translation BZ_MENUNAME = ["Uniform B-Spline", "|FR|B-Spline Uniforme"] #------------------------------------ #File BZ__CubicBezier.rb #------------------------------------ #Module BZ__CubicBezier - Local constants for language translation BZ_MENUNAME = ["Cubic Bezier curve", "|FR|Courbe de Bezier spline cubique"] #--------------------------- #File bezierspline.rb #--------------------------- #Module Bezierspline - Local constants for language translation BZ_MENUNAME = ["Classic Bezier curve", "|FR|Courbe de Bezier classique", "|DE| Echt Bezierkurve"] #Module Bezierspline - Local constants for language translation BZMNU_EditMenu = ["Edit", "|FR|Editer", "|DE|Aufbereiten"] BZMNU_EditDone = ["Done", "|FR|Termin\é"] BZMNU_CreateDone = ["Done and Exit tool", "|FR|Valider et sortir"] BZMNU_CreateEdit = ["Done and Switch to Edition (double-click)", "|FR|Valider et passer en mode Edition"] BZMNU_CreateNext = ["Done and create another curve", "|FR|Valider et cr\éer une oourbe"] BZMNU_UndoLast = ["Undo last change", "|FR|Annuler derni\ère modification"] BZMNU_UndoAll = ["Undo all changes", "|FR|Annuler toutes les modifications"] BZMNU_Restart = ["Restart", "|FR|Recommencer"] BZMNU_OpChangePrecision = ["Change of precision", "|FR|Modification de pr\écision"] BZMNU_OpAddPoint = ["Insertion of Control Point", "|FR|Insertion d'un point de contr\ôle"] BZMNU_OpDelPoint = ["Deletion of Control Point", "|FR|Effacement d'un point de contr\ôle"] BZMNU_OpMovePoint = ["Move of Control Point", "|FR|D\éplacement d'un point de contr\ôle"] BZMNU_OpCreateCurve = ["Creation of", "|FR|Cr\éation"] BZMNU_ConvertAs = ["Convert to", "|FR|Convertir en"] BZMNU_ToggleMark = ["Vertex marks (toggle F5)", "|FR|Marquer les point (F5)"] BZMNU_LoopLineClose = ["Close loop with line (Toggle F8)", "|FR|Fermer par un segment (F8)"] BZMNU_LoopNiceClose = ["Close loop nicely (Toggle F9)", "|FR|Fermer harmonieusement (F9)"] BZMNU_LoopNoClose = ["No loop (F7)", "|FR|Pas de boucle (F7)"] BZTRS_ChangePrecision = ["Precision --> ", "|FR|Pr\écision --> "] BZTRS_ChangeLoop = ["Loop segt --> ", "|FR|Boucle --> "] BZTRS_ChangeDegree = ["Control points --> ", "|FR|Pts de contr\ôle --> "] BZTRS_OpenEnd = ["Open-ended curve", "|FR|Courbe ouverte"] BZTRS_StartEnd = ["Between Start/End", "|FR|Courbe entre pt d\ébut et fin "] BZINF_Precision = ["Precision", "|FR|Pr\écision"] BZINF_Loopnbpt = ["Loop", "|FR|Boucle"] BZINF_ControlPoints = ["Control Points", "|FR|Points de Contr\ôle"] BZINF_EnterStartPoint = ["Click START point", "|FR|Cliquez le point de DEPART"] BZINF_EnterEndPoint = ["Click END point", "|FR|Cliquez le point de FIN"] BZINF_EnterPoint = ["Enter Point #", "|FR|Cliquez le point n°"] BZINF_TangentStart = ["Tangent at start point", "|FR|Tangente au premier point"] BZINF_TangentEnd = ["Tangent at end point", "|FR|Tangente au dernier point"] BZINF_InfoCreate = ["Double-click to finish and Edit", "Double-cliquez pour finir"] BZINF_InfoEdit = ["Drag points or double-click to add / remove control points", "|FR|Déplacez les points ou double-cliquez pour ajouter / supprimer points"] BZINF_VCBCreate = ["Ctrl pts, Prec.", "|FR|Pts Ctrl, Préc."] BZINF_VCBCreateNoPrec = ["Ctrl points", "|FR|Pts Ctrl"] BZINF_VCBEdit = ["Precision", "|FR|Précision"] BZINF_VCBDistance = ["Distance", "|FR|Distance"]