FasdUAS 1.101.10 k l This works in 10.5.8 and I'd like to know if it works on others, before converting to a menu bar item. It's good for getting around some of the mac_SU start-up bugs, but can also help when debugging scripts, using line feeds to Ruby Console. Save into AppleScripts folder and Open in Script Editor or equivalent, select and copy this script (cheers Alex) #============================================================================================= # This code draws a few tubes spaced in a sinus wave model = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.active_entities centerpoint = Geom::Point3d.new vector = Geom::Vector3d.new 0,0,1 vector2 = vector.normalize! (0..10).each do |i| # Create a circle perpendicular to the normal or Z axis centerpoint = [i*5,Math.sin(i)*10,0] edges = entities.add_circle centerpoint, vector2, 2 face = entities.add_face(edges) face.pushpull -i*10 end #============================================================================================= then Run this SU_MU_NU.scpt play around with commenting and delays and let me know what works... copy paste the bits you like into a new page and save that as your own start-up .app if you like. john  jThis works in 10.5.8 and I'd like to know if it works on others, before converting to a menu bar item. It's good for getting around some of the mac_SU start-up bugs, but can also help when debugging scripts, using line feeds to Ruby Console. Save into AppleScripts folder and Open in Script Editor or equivalent, select and copy this script (cheers Alex) #============================================================================================= # This code draws a few tubes spaced in a sinus wave model = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.active_entities centerpoint = Geom::Point3d.new vector = Geom::Vector3d.new 0,0,1 vector2 = vector.normalize! (0..10).each do |i| # Create a circle perpendicular to the normal or Z axis centerpoint = [i*5,Math.sin(i)*10,0] edges = entities.add_circle centerpoint, vector2, 2 face = entities.add_face(edges) face.pushpull -i*10 end #============================================================================================= then Run this SU_MU_NU.scpt play around with commenting and delays and let me know what works... copy paste the bits you like into a new page and save that as your own start-up .app if you like. john l  l  l  O  I .miscactvnullnull mSKPaalis Macintosh HDb uH+dSA SketchUp.appdSC9 Google SketchUp 8b u9dSA8Macintosh HD:Applications:Google SketchUp 8:SketchUp.app SketchUp.app Macintosh HD+Applications/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp.app/ l l  I  .sysodelanullnmbr m ? ZTclose window, adjust delay to allow full loading of your volume of plugins, first...close window, adjust delay to allow full loading of your volume of plugins, first... l+ O+!" !k*##$% $I& .prcskeyFnullobj &J''( (m  eMkyeCmd%)* )I"+ .prcskprsnullutxt +m,,--w*. .I#*/ .prcskeyUnullobj /J#&001 1m#$  eMkyeCmd "m22sevsalis Macintosh HDb uH+System Events.appS CoreServicesb uC :Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:System Events.app$System Events.app Macintosh HD-System/Library/CoreServices/System Events.app/34 3l456 5l,1789 7I,1: .sysodelanullnmbr :m,-;;? 81+then open new window, adjust if required...9<<Vthen open new window, adjust if required...6=> =l2L? ?O2L@A @k6KBBCD CI6=E .prcskeyFnullobj EJ69FFG Gm67  eMkyeCmdDHI HI>CJ .prcskprsnullutxt Jm>?KKLLnIM MIDKN .prcskeyUnullobj NJDGOOP PmDE  eMkyeCmd Am23QQsevsalis Macintosh HDb uH+System Events.appS CoreServicesb uC :Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:System Events.app$System Events.app Macintosh HD-System/Library/CoreServices/System Events.app/>RS RlSTU TlMRVWX VIMRY .sysodelanullnmbr YmMNZZ? Wthen select tool, comment this out if you want the "select tool", adjust delay to allow full loading of your volume of custom toolbar items...X[[then select tool, comment this out if you want the "select tool", adjust delay to allow full loading of your volume of custom toolbar items...U\] \lS_^ ^OS__` _kW^aabc blWWde dkey down {command}eff$key down {command}cgh glW\ijk iIW\l .prcskprsnullutxt lmWXmmnnl jHB this is line tool, but can be any, avoid {return}} as modifier...koo this is line tool, but can be any, avoid {return}} as modifier...hp pl]]qr qkey up {command}rss key up {command} `mSTttsevsalis Macintosh HDb uH+System Events.appS CoreServicesb uC :Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:System Events.app$System Events.app Macintosh HD-System/Library/CoreServices/System Events.app/]uv ulvwx wl`eyz{ yI`e| .sysodelanullnmbr |m`a}}? zc]then open "Ruby Console" window, N.B. set your SU short-cut key first, adjust if required...{~~then open "Ruby Console" window, N.B. set your SU short-cut key first, adjust if required...x lf Of kj Ijq .prcskeyFnullobj Jjm mjk  eMkyeCnt Irw .prcskprsnullutxt mrsw Ix .prcskeyUnullobj Jx{ mxy  eMkyeCnt mfgsevsalis Macintosh HDb uH+System Events.appS CoreServicesb uC :Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:System Events.app$System Events.app Macintosh HD-System/Library/CoreServices/System Events.app/ l l I .sysodelanullnmbr m? f`then paste to console last copied (must be last thing, but from anywhere) ruby script/snippet...then paste to console last copied (must be last thing, but from anywhere) ruby script/snippet... l O k I .prcskeyFnullobj J m  eMkyeCmd I .prcskprsnullutxt mv I .prcskeyUnullobj J m  eMkyeCmd msevsalis Macintosh HDb uH+System Events.appS CoreServicesb uC :Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:System Events.app$System Events.app Macintosh HD-System/Library/CoreServices/System Events.app/ l l I .sysodelanullnmbr m? KEthen enter it in to run, allow adjust delay to allow full loading of then enter it in to run, allow adjust delay to allow full loading of  l O l I .prcskprsnullutxt m  B