This is a plugin for users of the free version that aids in drawing layer orgization and making scenes for printing dimensioned drawings. All commands are accessed by right click after making the selection. Comp2Layer/Scene (Selection of single component or parent component) 1.Will place the selected component on its own layer 2. Option to make a drawing scene of the component (for 2d dimensional print out) NestedComp2Scene (Selection of single component inside a parent component open for editing) 1. Will place a copy of the component on a new layer and make a drawing scene of the component (for 2d dimensional print out) SubAssy2Scene (Selection of 2 or more components) 1. Will place a copy of the components as a new group on a new layer and make a drawing scene of the group (for 2d dimensional print out) 2. Note that in your main view the components will not be grouped. Comp2Scene (Select a single component or flipped component for scene of flipped component) 1. Will make a drawing scene of the component (for 2d dimensional print out) 2. Option to make scene on Existing Layer or on a New Layer Set Comp2Scene Pref (Command located under the Plugin Menu) 1. Saves user preferences in a file 2. Runs automatically on the first use of the program 3. Allows user to accept my layer No Prefix system or just use Component names for layer names 4. Decide if you want shortend names for scenes or not 5. Set name for main view scene Misc Notes: This is meant to be used as the drawing is being made. Once you have the coponent built and all copies in place then use the program to make those components visible on their own layer. If the component needs a dimensional drawing select that option at this time. This plugin works with Jim's MakeOrthoViews.rb to add all views of the component necessary to make a dimensioned drawing. (I delete the views I don't need after component is detailed and dimensions added) If you don't have Jims plugin installed you will get a single copy of the component in your scene and you will need to add views for dimensions if required. ****** IMPORTANT ******** After adding dimensions to a drawing scene use Window Select to select all dimensions and views and open the Information window. Using the drop down layer window select the layer so all dimensions are on the layer with the drawing views When using cutlist you need to select the components in the main view before running the cutlist program. Easy to do with window selection. Test and let me know what problems etc you see. Thanks Keth