Green Toaster's Car Sketches
@unknownuser said:
P.S Btw i spoted ur wifes car and i took a picture(hope she dont mind)
Wrong color - her's is red. She sometimes lets me drive it - not often.I wonder if my cars would look better if I added lots of cool details and then rendered them . . . ? . . .
@greentoaster said:
I wonder if my cars would look better if I added lots of cool details and then rendered them . . . ? . . .
Yes please.
@unknownuser said:
Yes please.
Sorry BLANK, but this isn't going to happen any time soon - I'm back in Graduate school, building a Venom Creeper, writing a research paper, cutting grass - plus, I still have wifey's cars to take care of and let's don't mention her poodles . . .
Well, then leave the rendering to us! We promise to do a good job.
. . . okay, then please, by all means, go for it . . . this is definitely NOT the "last revision" . . . but have fun . . . and THANKS . . . perhaps this will inspire me (once again) to take these models a bit further into the next level . . . . . . no apologies for my really crappy, ultra-quick sketch . . . . . . this one doesn't have the tail lights in it . . . oops . . . that version is at work and I am NOT going there this week (spring break) . . . happy sketching, Brad
Very cool!]
Sweeeeet! Love the rear section.
@unknownuser said:
Sweeeeet! Love the rear section.
Thanks BLANK!Someone asked me for a "cute" car . . . so . . . 8 1/2 minutes later, here ya go . . .
Think it needs to lose the air intake at the front, if that's what it is. Looks like a cross between a Beetle and a Smart.
@unknownuser said:
Think it needs to lose the air intake at the front
Done - good suggestion.
@unknownuser said:
Looks like a cross between a Beetle and a Smart
I added the cage to help make the car look like it's "strong" . . . the proportions of the cage aren't right and there's obviously much more to do - this is just a quick concept . . . numerous details need to be added and revised/developed . . . just having fun - hope you like it . . .
Happy sketching,
I think it looks like one of those small toy cars kids play in. I lik the idea but it just doesnt seem to look right
at least it has Ferrari lights