Green Toaster's Car Sketches
I would love to see your tutorial for the top done in Camtasia, please!
Bob C.
I have a copy of Camtasia but I've never used it. I will try to see where it is and then find out what I can do with it - the animated gif tutorials I've done thus far aren't very good.
Happy Sketching,
. . . while trying to figure out how to do the Camtasia tutorial, I put a top and fixed the body of this one . . . I'm finding I have lots of "pieces" of cars - many that were started but never finished . . . well, actually, I guess I've never finished any of them to the point where I've added all the details and then rendered with Kerkythea (sp?) or whatever . . .
Oh well, happy Sketching,
This is nice.... Glad to see you trying new things
. . . last one for the week . . . I'm guessing ~96% of these cars is undone when I post them . . . oh well . . .
I can possibly take the time to do a Camtasia tutorial if there's a "significant" interest - if someone can learn something useful from it. If there's a reasonable response for it, I'll put the video tutorial in the Tutorials forum and mention it here.
Thanks & happy Sketching,
Ray, that's very nice - how long did it take, from start to final render?
well i worked on it for 1 hour one day and the second day (which was yesterday) I finished it. I let the render animation on for the night and uploaded it today in the mornin.
just need some practice