Can you see it?
A new one,artistic(b&w)!
The place is left for more usefull object!
This one,i can seem to get it.My eyes are almost focusing it buit it fade away.Tell me if it work for any of you.
The place is left for more usefull object!
Original one without any post processing.
The place is left for more usefull object!
Those two are a recto verso version of the same mesh!
The place is left for more usefull object!
and the inverse twin.
The place is left for more usefull object!
No and i don`t mean to displeased you but it is a highly improbable endeavor.You need first to get to par in geometry,mathematic and softwares of all kind.You probably need software a bit more sophisticated than Sketchup,mind you i have use for it and i love it very much but for what i do,it has to crunched ngones by the millions so...You then can do that:1920X1080 in 58 secondes flat.
The place is left for more usefull object!
Again only geometry and jpeg.Look at it as you would for a stereogram which it is not.6,709.706 polys rendered in 35sec.(1920 X1080)
The place is left for more usefull object!
Easier to see but not so thick 3Dwise...
The place is left for more usefull object!
Not much talk from you guys,those render you speechless? A new one with a bysentine feeling,don`t you say?
The place is left for more usefull object!
Ok,ok! I post two new one done today. This one is showing a huge effect.i would like you to tell me how you see it;positively or negatively.You see.i beleive this to be an eye-brain independant fonction but to ascertain this notion,i need feedback from you guys...
The place is left for more usefull object!
An other one.
The place is left for more usefull object!
An other one which is a pleasure to see. Look
The place is left for more usefull object!