Rocks again
Great work Michalis.
@michaliszissiou said:
In fact SU can handle these models easier than some of its own. I have a theory on this but I'm not sure. Bad topology leads to messed UVs...
Hmmm? Now that's something interesting!
OK, you have permissions to use this Low poly rock as you wish. Have fun.
I made some improvement on textures, I baked some AO. Lo-poly rocks aren't easy.
Multiply it as many times, rotate resize etc, do some scene and notice the performance of SU.
Wow mate I think your theory might well have some strong basis! Over 100 copies all over the place and all still nearly fine while naving!
WOW, is these my rocks?
Thanks teofilo. Sprays are too much for this calm water, they should look more as a line, you know.
@Richard: 100 copies? wow. I may be right, I really don't know, just noticed this. The use of 1024x1024 tex does help here. A 2048x2048 is heavier but 4096 ? . Square textures you see. It helps too.Update for kerky and thea lovers
Use this map as "tangent normal map", you all know how, don't you? Please NEVER convert it to B&W bump, it doesn't work like this.
If you like to use displacement here's the map. Its not working as a bump!
Cool stuff as always mate.
Quick render with tree
Another Gaudi style
@pete: how did this tree grow up there? LOL
Nice render, you could use some displacement on the rock.
@pilou: it looks good, its too small. The only way to hack texture is from edit texture palette due to UVs. These particular UVs aren't seamless though, lot of islands. Zbrush - UVmaster plugin can produce a one island non-stretching almost seamless UV map. I didn't use it here trying to avoid a 2048x2048 map. Uvs using 3DCoat here as sculpture, topology and tex painting. -
Some improvement in rocks modeling, I suppose so.
No pp, conversion from hdr to jpg only. A raw podium v2 export 1.30 min.
beautiful scene ross !!! Similar ideas here LOL
You need a higher definition model though, and a 2048x2048 version of the rock texture. I'm thinking to start a series of people by the sea, not so easy for low poly versions. Easier than the rocks. My last one is the first that doesn't look smooth -
Michalis, I would love to see you make a Landscape Boulder collection. These are just great!!
Thanks Michalis for sharing the lowdef rock. I had fun playing with it. My image features Alan Fraser's little girl from the FormFonts collection and is rendered using the beta of the new Render[In] plugin. Its sky generator is one of its best features.
Regards, Ross
Thanks Michalis! Unfortunately Mediafire won't spit out the download file for me. I click the download link and just get a bunch of pop up ads, but no prompt to save a file. I'll try in a different browser and see if that helps.
EDIT - Working with Google Chrome. Thanks again!
@Michalis Thx for explanations
Thanks earthmother
If you like to download it try this. Its a free model of course, use it as you like. -
I updated the link, please try again, sorry.
Have you tried Sculptris yet? I'd be curious of your thoughts on that software.
I'm a zbrush guy. But a mac user too so... no. But my favorite app is 3DCoat, this could be the leader in a few years if not already. Voxel sculpture is superior, try it. The re-topo room is fantastic. In a few years everybody could model like this. Design first, boolean etc, retopo after. For hard surface modeling I mean. Not in a few years, right now lol.
Michalis, your low-def rock texture renders really well in FotoSketcher! I attach my earlier example given a quick watercolour makeover in FotoSketcher. I only wish my real watercolour skills could get as good a result. I particularly like the how the rock rendered.
Regards, Ross