New work i progress Concept Bike
It's amazing... you should try to put it into a futuristic urban scenery, only if such thing would exist as a HDRi environment image
the model comes up pretty realistic when you work on it more and more and more
keep it up, looking forward for some new images of the concept.
ye im detailing and then when im totally done the model should give a lovely render and then i shall tablet draw in and finish it
i love working on these things. also very grateful for feedback
Ok i also have a question
will this provide a high res if i render it as view point resolution as the tv is at a higher res to my laptop(hdmi connected, duno if that helps)
having a play around and the pics are coming out massive. so im thinking its working.
if so i think all models going to be rendered on my tv screen
also now working on the environment. thinking urban setting
Updated render
getting there slowly,
working on an old factory
That old factory looks very good, pretty industrial as the bike when it comes to a modern contrast over a 1800 scenery, with futuristic background, big utopia for artists and for stargazers who saw the future high as we look at it now.
Don't know the job with the resolution... I render and model only on my laptop and sometimes on my home PC, and never tried this.I really like those wheels, and you never know, someday this might come alive...
and ye i want to get a very high polished look at the end give it some feeling almost
1854 / 992 is the render res from my tv and gives a nicer look due to the res
to high for the servers to allow to be posted :S
1st render with depth map of the factory with bike inside
slight model tweak and camera angle
God that looks awesome, amazing detail for sure
Some engines should be hanged in those thick chains
maybe the one used for the bike. Impressive anyway.
working on the detail for the factory now, so shall maybe hang some of the bike parts, good idea