FotoSketcher is pretty cool
This is a work in progress. Been making some marketing images again for a housing association. They wanted a "quick" watercolour to compare to a realistic render. So Twilight and FotoSketcher were the weapons of choice.
The render only cooked for half an hour so please excuse the low quality, high res version cooking. mmmm golden tarmac
Please post here any FotoSketcher creations you have made yourselves! Wonderful program.
Here you go:
I've been using it for about a month now, and it is pretty cool.
can you post the original pic plzz
Not as powerful, but pretty fun
oh so you saved the watercolour then applied the filters again.....nice!
that impressionist is good too, thanks for sharing the link HFM
Nice one Marek! What exactly were the modifications in Photoshop?
Some local editing ( erasing to white space, some finger painting, ...) were done in Photoshop, but nothing extensive, really quick 5 min photoshop session
Pretty cool app, NPR renders still rule.
Hey Oli
I notice your running Leopard, but can't find a .dmg version just .exe, are you running Windows on your mac, or am I missing the mac version?
This looks like great software. Thanks for the post. -
wow, solo you have changed your profile pic!!
dale, i am running windows 7 via vmware fusion. you can use bootcamp too...but with vmware you can instantly switch between windows and mac, its sooooo easy. There comes a time when you just need windows! cant be exclusively mac forever!
just like opening another application:
Yeah I have to agree. I'm looking at a new macbook pro, and pretty much convinced to add fusion. Anyone I know who uses it loves it. Glad you agree, it makes the decision easier. -
Sorry to be a fanboy but Fotosketcher is really cool in my opinion. What can I say, I suck at rendering! If you are on Facebook I have an example!/photo.php?pid=1836523&id=665888847&fbid=80713438847
@ Oli,
Thanks for starting this thread! I really prefer your Fotosketcher image to your rendering in the first post...nice work.
Thanks to this forum and Boofredlay, I discovered Fotosketcher a few days ago. 4 of my friends and colleagues are now using is indeed a fun, easy to use piece of software and you can beat the price.Here's some photos that I took that were pretty much throwaways until I ran them through the FS watercolor filters.