The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
your work blows me away every time. amazing level of detail
Excellent work ken, always
@unknownuser said:
The fortress was modeled in Sketchup, exported into Maya for texturing and rendering.
Exported, but how? And a clean geometry! You don't use a continuous push-pull, you prefer groups. This is good. Clean subdivisions, how?
@prisoner said:
your work blows me away every time. amazing level of detail
Thanks, Prisoner. I am glad you like my stuff.
@michaliszissiou said:
Excellent work ken, always
@unknownuser said:
The fortress was modeled in Sketchup, exported into Maya for texturing and rendering.
Exported, but how? And a clean geometry! You don't use a continuous push-pull, you prefer groups. This is good. Clean subdivisions, how?
Thank you, Michalis. I am not so sure about what you are asking. What I did was exporting my model as Obj from Sketchup and importing it into Maya.
Ok, since I am done with the Starship, I have started a few new things.
Have a nice one,
Funny merry-go-round
This is an older personal project called "A New World". I built the flying ship in Sketchup. The environment is all done in Vue. Postwork in Photoshop as usual.
Thank you for viewing and have a terrific day!
All right, you are working on Avatar 2, arent you?
great stuff ken, i really like the last one, is the scenery rendered in vue?
@unknownuser said:
@ Coen: Thank you, glad you like it.
@artysmedia said:
All right, you are working on Avatar 2, arent you?
@ Roberto: Yes, that was my secret project...James Cameron told me not to tell wish. Well, my goal is to work for the movie industry someday. Right now I am enjoying being a concept artist for the game industry.
@viztecture said:
great stuff ken, i really like the last one, is the scenery rendered in vue?
@ Adam: Wow, the great Vray master...Congratulations on winning the Vray contest. I checked out your website. Really nice stuff.
Are these all modeled in Sketchup and rendered with Vray?
Yes, the scenery was done in Vue.After I saw some of the renders from masters Teo, Adam McPartland and others in the Vray contest, I told myself I need to learn more about Vray and improve my rendering skills. So besides the Auto Show, I have been quite busy working on a few other projects at the same time and will post them as soon as they are finished.
Here's this one called "Karoline, clean up your room!". Karoline is my little princess who will turn 2 years old this December.
Hope you like it. C&C are welcome.
Have a nice day!
The great ken.
Beautiful -
Very nice work.
hi ken, these renders are very fantastic, most especially the temple and the one with the cars!!
@ Michalis, Eric/Boofredlay and delineator: Thank for your kind words. I am glad you like it.
Just dug out an old visual development from that game I worked on. I will post some more later.
The ship and boat wreckage are a mixture of Sketchup and Maya models. Environment done in Vue. Postwork in Photoshop as usual.
Have a great week!
More a scene from odyssey, could be. Except the palm trees, but could be. Pine trees are more appropriate. LOL
Beautiful work. -
@ken28875 said:
@ Michalis, Eric/Boofredlay and delineator: Thank for your kind words. I am glad you like it.
Just dug out an old visual development from that game I worked on. I will post some more later.
The ship and boat wreckage are a mixture of Sketchup and Maya models. Environment done in Vue. Postwork in Photoshop as usual.
Have a great week!
Great models Ken, as ever forever!
The only think that i dont like is the composition. The warriors on the left and right keep all the attention and in the middle is "nothing" relevant (only a far far ship). Sorry for the crit -
@michaliszissiou said:
More a scene from odyssey, could be. Except the palm trees, but could be. Pine trees are more appropriate. LOL
Beautiful work.@ Michalis: Thank you. Yes, maybe I'll try a version with the pines in the future.
@artysmedia said:
Great models Ken, as ever forever!
The only think that i dont like is the composition. The warriors on the left and right keep all the attention and in the middle is "nothing" relevant (only a far far ship). Sorry for the crit@ Roberto: Thanks, glad you like the models. No problem, you don't have to apologize for the crit. I am all ears to hear what people like or don't like.
I guess I should have blended the skeleton warriors more into the vegetation as they seem to distract you. But at least my goal was to put the focus on the big ship and I believe it worked.Usually I tried to compose the scene so your eyes will get directed to the main object.
Same here. On this one, I also use the Rule of Thirds .
Here are some atmospheric studies for the Tyrian Wash concept.
Have a great week!
Hey guys,
I forgot to mention that I had an online interview with last week. I would like to thank Mr. James Hannigan for the article.
Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for the explanation, ken28875
Very interesting interview
The tents and banners are Sketchup/Maya models. Environment with Vue.
Thanks for viewing.
I wanted to say something about your work here, but... I'm amazed,.. I can't say a word, except this: BRAVO!
@igacici said:
I wanted to say something about your work here, but... I'm amazed,.. I can't say a word, except this: BRAVO!
Thanks, Igacici.
Here are some quick atmosphere studies of that visual development.
Take care,
My interview with
Sketchup for Fantasy Art:
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art: