Quick and dirty clay renders
Fight! Fight!
Nice renders, Oli!
I am not blaming you csaba or other moderators. i know you try to keep your integrity.
I am not blaming the commercial people either as I can understand the jumpiness.What I wanted to adress is the general climate that has been created on this forum that doesn't allow users to evaluate software and share an opinion in good trust anymore.
Well done SCF management!
I do not mind either way Chris...although nowdays I try not to get into who's father is stronger and viral marketing.
I know what you mean and I don't want to get to that debate again.
But it is just sad that this is the result.
People can't even tell anymore which software they use, for crying out loud. -
Don't worry about it biebel, somebody had to say it. it pisses me off too.
You can hijack my thread all day long mate I've learnt so much from your work and you don't even know about it!
I have said this before: "You can not polish a turd"
You could make any render engine produce these results but lets face it guys.....does your client ever say "wow is that vray?" haha
[edit] thanks for compliments people but you know what I didn't even add reflection to the windows haha
I'll post textured externals when I'm done
"before anyone asks and starts a render war!!"
This will be the name of my new thread -
here is another version with that 'toy camera' image editor (free from here : http://www.pentacom.jp/pentacom/products.html)
if you download it make sure you get all the versions cos you get some cool filters. works for mac and pc.
This took about 30 seconds!
Both programs are brothers, with their mother being the Greek goddess Kerkythea, and brothers should not fight.
And I agree that you did a very neat work, Oliver. My models are a mess compared to yours. -
Great mood in this one. I am thinking you do not really need any reflections...kind of raw and beautiful as they are.
I prefer the new toycamera version, its much faster but most importantly, has this zuiko lens simulator. Anyway it costs 10$, just for this small watermark, you can delete it after all...
thanks mate you are the mood man. it needs more shading devices I can imagine it getting quite uncomfortable in the summer. I think it'll help break up the brick a bit too. and sid....ive made absolutely sure they are dark grey powder coated window frames this time! thanks to you and bigstick there! any RAL you recommend?
by the way the windows are huge like this because they have an awesome view of an open valley and no houses to look in. so privacy not really an issue to this elevation.
i didn't realize the watermark was so small....anyway you know what I'll buy it I've used it enough times and they deserve at least 10 dollars for it
but maybe not if they start wanting all that western union money transfer bull.
Oli, you could also try "Poladroiding" (not a typo) your image:
It's free and available for OSX. The current version is a beta, so save your work before trying it.
Oli I personally have preference for RAL 9007 . Just make sure you get sample from the manufacturer as RAL colours tend to vary. This one is mild metalic.
I know ...I know they should be the same but they are not.Cheers Ecuadorian for the link
....it seems to produce similar output like Toycamera.
Miguel, toycamera is superb. Try it. Especially on decolorized or clay-render style scenes.
Edit: after all we hijacked oli's thread. -
Great work Oli, simple, well modeled and very effective for the Planners.
ive stretched some of the windows in photoshop to give more weight to the elevation...man i need to make some changes tomorrow
edit: cheers dylan...but the planners will be getting fully textured versions with trees and grass and lots of happy things
Wow talk about missing out on a heated debate before the thread got back on track!!!
Oli - mate really like your clay style, I remember one of the first of yours I saw (hi rise) and was really taken by it! These ones for me don't seem to capture the superbe camera work of those - though vertical height helps in anything tall!
Mate I think you need to push the funrnishings away from the window a bit, looks crowded.
I always wonder with clay about what type of glass finish (but not glass) would work in the windows to keep with the theme but not look like the only real material!
Have you ever tried a render running subdivide over the model so as to get the look of more geometry - I think you have added linework here post pro correct? I always like those clay images you see with the mesh displayed! I think they look cool!
I think it is the verticals not being maitained that is throwing off the camera angles, though only my opinion!
Oli... if client likes them/understands them - it's all that matters - sketch it on a bar napkin!
but with these - they're missing some glass reflections... IMHO. suppose you didn't want them to distract from the views inside?