Chess Anyone?
great. love the concept.
Niiiice! did i mention i love Twilight?
what the hell is going on with that twilight render!!!!! its so good bro!! is it easier than vray? cause ive been planing to check it out...great work boofred!!
Thanks all.
Yes, Twilight is easier to use than Vray, at least for me it is. I cannot say that for other people but for me, yes.
yeah twilight is sweeeeeeet!! the material editor is so easy to use and reliable!
just reading the vray manual is a challenge in itself.
do u actually play chess boo? or you just like the board? haha
OK blah blah blah twilight. (lol I'm always think to use twilight too)
So boofredlay, 1. e2-e4 ...
I really like your twilight renders -
yeah the concept and pieces are artwork themselves...and the image is great. it looks a bit muted though...probably because of the background. But twilight is looking more and more intriguing. I dont see myself switching from vray because of it multi-platform use but it is looking like a tempting solution for Sketchup renderings. Good work
@olishea said:
do u actually play chess boo? or you just like the board? haha
Don't know about boo, but at least in my case, I gave away the chess board and bought a set of Jenga.
I do play chess but on a recreational level. My nephew on the other hand just won his first open tournament this past weekend and got $175. He is 11.
I have a number of sets, one of which is quite nice.
I also made a couple chess sets for FF a while back. I may have a go at rendering them as well.
My chess set rendered in TW. still learning.
Cool. Did you model the set? Can I see the wires of the Knight?
Very nice boofredlay.
Clean and innovative.
Although after a few glasses of scotch, the difference in the pieces could get 'subjective' after a mate to say the least.
@unknownuser said:
Cool. Did you model the set?
Yeah. Quite while ago in my SU 3 days . . .
@unknownuser said:
Can I see the wires of the Knight?
I don't see what you mean???
The mesh, the wire frame. Turn on hidden edges as I want to see how you created the knight.
I think he means the wireframe. View/Facestyle/Wireframe
The "K-nig-it" (sorry . . little monty python gag there
) is just an extruded profile. I am really not that clever. I might have even scammed this from someone else. I don't remember.
EDIT::: oops. My bad.
Well David as much as you play down how you did it, it is still a nice chess piece, cheers.
And... "I fart in your general direction. Silly English types"
Thanks Boo.
Nice model (would be interesting in which way it would change your play), great render. Twilight amazes me with every new picture I see.
I did this Wobble Chess set a while back. I think it likes Twilight