Some Sketchup models
Thats good work Karl.
I would however try to not use 2d components if you are going to render in Kerky. or you could use a program like Photoshop (there are cheap programs out there that do similar stuff) to add photo-realistic trees etc after the render.
Welcome to the forum, Karl. Nice work.
Very nice. Welcome.
thankyou for your friendly comments. Sorry for my late answer but i was very busy.
Greetings from Frankfurt
Karlheinz -
Hi Karlheinz,
Please, please, more of this stuff! I'm totally fond of these reconstructions (in fact,I use SU - or at least started to use it - for exactly the same).
Hallo Gaius,
i read your occupation. I'm also activ with our city archeologists here in Frankfurt as a honorary helper.
within the last 12 months we had to work on a whole quantity of Franconian and bronze temporal graves but the reconstruction is a much harder business.Karlheinz
Some hints in SU about the making "interlaced design" of the Cross?
Hello Pilou,
it is a very simple technic but it takes some time . I imported a drawing of the cross an made contours from all elements to get faces. After finishing all faces i used only the push pull tools. I hope this will be helpfull for you.
I'm all interested in those projects - even if they are just "work in progress" (which I also have a lot and only very few that I have actually finished, too
Here are two videos from about two years ago (sorry for the "YouTube Quality" - I have it at a higher resolution, too, if you are interested)
And an interior only for a quick render test in IDX Renditioner:
But sorry for the OT post - I don't want to hijack your topic so please (again), some more projects/images
Mate what did you render the spins with? They look awesome mate!
Hello Gaius,
this model is really fantastic, particularly the surroundings are looking realistic. How did you create these surroundings. With the rendering techniques I am not so much experienced yet.
I have many models not yet finished too. Sometimes i loose the motivation . Then i have to motivate myself newly again and again . But the Models i saw in this Forum will give me new energy to continue.
The Problem at the reconstruction is to find Data which helps you to calculate or estimate tha size of the objects.
Below again some stuff made with Sketchup.
Some weeks ago i found a ruby which is very helpfull to create ornaments. The link i shown here:
Below a first attempt
@richard said:
Mate what did you render the spins with? They look awesome mate!
That was Max but it wasn't me who rendered it.
I wish I could do that so well (and also keep that part of the money
@charly2008 said:
this model is really fantastic, particularly the surroundings are looking realistic. How did you create these surroundings. With the rendering techniques I am not so much experienced yet.
Well, everything is modelled. Even from inside. The last video is the same church as the exterior in the first one - and so on, with 6 churches/monasteries/cathedral, dummy houses, town wal... everything (and now tell me about poly count
You can actually see the edge of the terrain around the town; only good thing is that it's not very distracting.
@charly2008 said:
Some weeks ago i found a ruby which is very helpfull to create ornaments. The link i shown here:
That plugin is indeed great. I also found it not too long ago.
I see you have a Roman fort, too. I have a friend who's modelled one with awesome details (all interiors, vaulting, even furniture, shields, arms everything).
Hi Gaius,
@unknownuser said:
I see you have a Roman fort, too. I have a friend who's modelled one with awesome details (all interiors, vaulting, even furniture, shields, arms everything).
This Roman fort is an reconstructed existing one close to Frankfurt I'm shure as an archelogist you have heard the name "Saalburg"
Is there a possibility to see this Model from your friend? This is also my dream to make such a detailed Model
@unknownuser said:
Is there a possibility to see this Model from your friend? This is also my dream to make such a detailed Model
I can ask him to post a couple of shots. He's also a member here but has only posted (very few posts) in the Hungarian forum so far (he speaks German though and also finishes archaeology soon). -
Gai and Charly,
Please keep inspiring us with your works!!! Truly beautiful!!!
I'm a new member. What a treat to look at and read about your creations -
sorry, but i don't speak english, here is a picture of my roman fort
This is fascinating! this is an insight into Roman urbanism I've not seen. Where were the forts generally located relative to Roman cities?
@troyhome said:
Where were the forts generally located relative to Roman cities?
Well, mostly along the frontiers (at least these "late Roman" forts).
Karlheinz (the original poster of this topic) is from Germany - say the ancient "Germania (or neighbouring) Province" and myself from "Pannonia Province" - both highly militarised frontier zones of the Roman Empire.