Rogue's W.I.P's!
Sweet! I just started my ten-day midterm break, but thanks to you guys, I'm unemployed.
Why yes, I'd like to have a copy of a demo.
Feel free to follow me with Buzz
Sorry if I double post
Hey, that interior shot is lookin' great! By the way, is there any way to post images without having a URL for the image? Better said, can I embed a pic straight from my computer?
Yes u can upload a picture from ur pc..if u take a look down in the Replay window it s a tab 'Upload attachment' click it and browse ur picture and click the 'Add the file' button .
Good luck! -
Scratch the above post. Instead of me continuing my work on the 2010 Mustang I decided to merge some of what I had done with the Milano, doesn’t it just look gorgeous! I am also thinking of a name change, back to just Rogue Milano
Awesome, man thanks alot!
Hey, Rogue, check this out :
What you think?
Looking good for an early car model.
Or maybe I should fit it with better rims and hard-tune it: ride height, colour, decals, etc. Or add more polys, and make it a more professional model. Not sure. Probs add more polys.
Thanks, Rogue!
I think I may add an interior as soon as I have some large amount of free time. You have any projects going on? Hope your hand mends soon.
Closest I've ever gotten to breaking bones was when I was practising a stunt for a movie: jumping up and kicking something with both feet...I practised it using a bed.
Flew backwards and landed on my wrists. They were bent backwards at the time, so...It hurt...I looked like this:Lol.
Any new Wips...? Sorry for tripple posting...
Nothing new from me. Not much time for SU lately
Hm...How sad.
hay man when is the 2011 Milano gona be done. just wondering because the tail lights on it are the best 2010 mustage tail lights on the warehouse (considering theres only 2. and i want to try to update my mustangs with 2010 mustang rearend insted of the 2009 rearend style
Hey, Devin, did'nt know you were on here! Welcome!
thank goldenfrog. u like my avitar?
Wow, yeah, your avatar is cool! Hey, something's wrong with your signature. Check out my thread about my models here and please give me some feedback! Thanks
is the signitur fixed? Golden frog
Yeah it's fixed now.
My 2011 Milano is nearly finished; I'll be working on it a bit this weekend I hope. Just have half the dash to do and all the insert details and buttons. The back end isn’t quite 2010 Mustang, it’s very similar but if you look at the shape it is a bit different.
Just got back from a damn hard day’s work, I work at Wanganui Motors/Ford & Mazda, doing Services, WOF's, etc. Its part of my work experience for the Automotive Mechanics course I'm doing