Sailing (Bireme or Trireme)
I think the main ones were subdivide and smooth and sketchyffd, both of which are plugins.
you can get subd and smooth from here ($22):
and sketchyFFD (free):
Apart form that im guessing it was mostly standard SU tools.
Texture seems stones or bricks does that float?
Edited : render image is disapeared so my comment is not more available
Cool modeling / time elapsed -
Solo, the whole thing about the number of rows of oars gets tricky. I think there are even references in literature to quinqueremes (SP) which would indicate five rows of oars. However, no wrecks have been found and no drawings have been found. Also no one has come up with a practical arrangement of rowers to make this possible. With five layers of oars, the guys on top would have had oars the size of trees. And oars have to be balanced so the length would have been incredible.
Maybe with carbon fiber oars we could still get there.
Yup, true, many scholars think that (maybe already) quinqueremes but definitely more rows of oars (they might go up to more than 20
) actually meant the number of men rowing in one section. Maybe two rows; the lower with two men and the upper with three (for handling the longer oar).
Anyway, the model is fine and that's the point here
Ah, traveling to Ultima Thule...
Then I know the captain; Pytheas of Massilia(But then it's supposed to be a Greek ship
Could you render the entire Battle of Salamis at the same level of detail without crashing SU? I wonder how many polygons would be required?
That icy render looks fantastic!! The boot himself is very good modeled.
Very cool!
solo that last rendering is simply amazing. its like a movie still. the modelling is great.
urgen,,, good one.