Fritz Hansen - Space Chair
Rob, I got the error when I tried to use it with all 4 surfaces at once.
I got the same thing Susan. I am finding it easier in most instances to use the "from contours" Sandbox tool. Still a nice script however.
Censored to protect your privacy Boofredlay + Susan
I don't know why but sandbox tool yielded a very strange result for me (see attached image) You guys didn't have this problem?Censored to protect your privacy Susan
I only got it to work when selecting two faces at a time but not all at once
Censored to protect your privacy Jeff
Jeff glad to hear you are around in here checking things out. That project is following me around - it was built in 2004 and it has been published a dozen times. That normally would be a good thing, my only problem is i haven't built anything of substance since. I've designed a lot of cool stuff but somehow finances fall through, clients move/change their minds etc. So every time I see it I get depressed not because it wasn't a great project but because so much time has elapsed since a thoughtful project of mine got built......
Anyways - sorry for leading this thread astray everybody - wandering is a bad habit of mind that has followed me into this forum.
Talk to you guys later
ypnos1, no attached image but I think I know what you are talking about.
If you look at the small tut I made Here I rotated the bottom arcs to face "upwards". The sandbox tool assums you are creating terrain so I believe the geometry you want to stitch needs to be facing upwards.Make sense???
I must have missed your tut sorry. I make sense. I never thougth that running contours was direction specific as you have demonstrated in your tutorial. I have one more question.
If you didn't rotate the geometry 90 deg as you have done but changed the z-axis 90 would that be and easier thing? Probably 6 of one 1/2 dozen of another.
thanks for the clarity
Ypnos -
Probably easier that way, yes.
There are also other idyosincrcies ( drat how do you spell that?) with using sandbox. I think it might help if you don't have a bottom or side edges when you run it over the horizonatl contours because, as you see in the Ypnos example, it wants to stitch to the bottom edges too, otherwise.
@ Susan:
I also got it to work for 2 curves not for 4 at once.@ Ypnos:
Nice project, love the atmosphere, and straying from the topic isn't bad in this case, some nice things came out of it -
Many sincere apologies. Sorry about the image size man. I didn't read your previous message regarding file size - i'll be more careful in the future. Please remove my original image if its size is burdonsome.
As far as posting the ruby script....honestly i'm a architect naive in the ways of mischeavous scripts. Fortunately the people who download the script I posted have reported no anomolies in the script because I posted it in the exact way I recieved it. I'll try and post the link to the script itself next time.
Again sorry about overstepping boundaries on this offense intended.