Exterior : vizdepot model [update page 3]
Hi all,
This scene comes from a 'charette challenge' on vizdepot.com . The model is provided for free to use as lighting and texturing study.
You can find it here (registration needed): http://www.vizdepot.com/forums/articles.php?action=viewarticle&artid=67
Rendered with Podium 1.5b ('noisy settings').
The sky image was added in photoshop.Comments are welcome.
Biebel -
Nice! I like the cold lighting, it gives the whole image a damp feeling (but in a good way!). The shadows in the roof look especially good, but maybe the reflection in the glass could be turned down a bit, or a reflection map applied so it isn't so uniformly white. The ripples on the water could maybe do with being turned down too- I guess by the reeds you're going for a wetland/marshy feel, but the ripples looks more like an exposed lake.
Is there any render prog you haven't mastered? :esmile:
I'm completely hooked on VRay for SU at the moment, love the (almost) seamless workflow from SU and render speeds.
Thanks Jackson,
Indeed some things need more tweaking. I'll see what I can improve.
And yes I like to use different render engines. It became a sort of hobby lately.
It's interesting to spot the differences and strengths/weaknesses.
The thing I learned is that it's mostly a matter of texturing and light (and sometimes good use of Pshop).
In that perspective, the rendersoftware 'an sich' isn't that important.I agree Vray is becoming a good friend to sketchup and its color bleeding gives the output that extra edge.
Podium is a good partner as well, being the 'speed app' for set up. Render times are improved as well in latest 1.5c build.Cheers,
Kwistenbiebel -
@kwistenbiebel said:
The thing I learned is that it's mostly a matter of texturing and light (and sometimes good use of Pshop).
How true! I spent so long learning Vue (which has an extremely advanced (i.e. complex) material editor system, but which produces mediocre materials, haha) that messing around with render progs like Maxwell and VRay has been like starting again. In Vue it's about 90% lighting, 10% material editing whereas in VRay it's about 30% lighting and 70% material editing.
Podium are shooting themselves in the foot with their have-to-download-updated-demo-every-month system IMHO. Like most 3D CAD folks I go through periods of doing nothing but rendering for a couple of weeks, then a couple of weeks modelling and designing, but every time I came back to the Podium demo I had to update it..... and their site wouldn't let me- I had to email them two months in a row. I found it a royal pain in the a$$. Your renders are a great advertisment though!
Ouch...I am sorry to hear that Jackson.
In my experience, customer service of Podium has always been good for me.
I hope your case is the exception.As for those updates you are talking about.
Last few months, Podium went to a development stage with different consecutive betas.
1.5 will be wrapped up soon and it will probably be the last for some time to come.The next big update will be v2.0. As I understand that will take several months to complete (changes to the core).
@kwistenbiebel said:
Ouch...I am sorry to hear that Jackson.
In my experience, customer service of Podium has always been good for me.
I hope your case is the exception.It wasn't really their fault, I know they're good guys (I know TBD from the old SU forums and I spoke to Ioannis years ago when KT was still half command line UI) and the Podium guys were quick to respond to my emails, but I just find the demo system they've implemented too frustrating to be able to learn the program.
I guess you bought Podium, because if you download the demo (like I did) it automatically disables itself every 30 days and you have to download it again regardless of whether there's an actual update or not. They said it's to help ensure people are running the latest version, but it's a just a pain as far as I'm concerned.
... and besides, now I'm hooked on VRay render times.
same scene with fruty vegetabels.
like them both, don't know what i like more in the vray scene
the water is to green in the podium version vray is better, you should combine them -
Apart from the nude and the diamond shaped leaves in the foreground I MUCH prefer the VRay image- everything about it, the lighting, the reflections and oh that water! :esurp: Really fantastic work- I've concentrated on VRays interior capabilities, but you have proven that it can produce top-notch exteriors.
Did you set up the water yourself in VRay's material editor using just a bump map or is there a displacement map too? The two things I've found very troublesome in VRay are the bump and reflection mapping- sometimes adding a bump map makes the diffuse map disappear i.e. the texture loses it's texture- it just becomes a flat colour. And reflection mapping has been a complete disaster for me- at best it gives very unpredictable results and at worst it seems to have the inverse effect i.e. dark areas become very reflective and lighter areas less reflective. When I combine bump and reflection maps the results are unpredictable.
The last one is just amazing!!
Phew! that takes some beating.
Best SU-vray rendering yet.
very nice!!
How long did render take
It rendered for about 1 hour.
Great rendering..
easy to do ?
i mean comparing with other renders. -
Fry is buggy for the moment and it took me a while to know the workarounds to avoid the hassles.
The software is still beta, so hopefully things get fixed soon. -
really clear (bright) renders.
well done again biebel..
(i'm still waiting to see a render off the most famous belgium man.)